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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Apply schema changes in Local DB

Most of the developers will get confused when there are changes in schema in the repository. Developers will get SQL error when they opened Web Client opened in thier local when there are schema changes in repository/DB.
Then we have to apply the schema changes in our local DB to resolve this issue.

NOTE: When applying changes, the Privileged User Id must be the tableowner name. For example, suppose your login Id is JSMITH and password is DB2. When you apply schema changes to the local database, your Privileged User Id/Password would be SIEBEL/DB2.

User name and password for Local DB skammar/skammar, then I have to use Siebel and skammar for apply the schema changes.

You will get more information from below Oracle Metalink.


Local Database Extract Process

Database Extract:

Generate New Database:

In case of any changes in Database schema or initial db extract, we need to do Gen New  DB.
  1. Go to Site Map à Administration - Server Management à Jobs
  2. Create New job for component “Generate New Database”
  3. After Success, follow the below steps for extracting.
Check the following System Preferences in application.
Sitemap-->Administration Application --> System Preferences
Docking:Transaction Logging - TRUE

Extract Database to user:
  1. Create an Employee with position Developer
  2. Add the Employee as Mobile User by following steps.
    1. Go to Sitemap à Administration – Siebel Remote à Mobile Clients
    2. Add the Employee as Mobile Client.(Mobile Client name and UserID is same)
    3. Select Routing Model as MOBILE CLIENT – STANDARD.
  3. Create a Job for Database Extract by following steps.
    1. Go to Sitemap à Administration – Server Management à Jobs
    2. Create a new Job for Component Database Extract.
    3. Add Job Parameters Client Name, Value is User ID.
                        For multiple users User Ids with comma separated.
    1. Start Job and wait for successful completion of the job.
  1. Change the parameters in Tools.cfg file.
DockConnString           =<Development Siebel Server Name>
  1. Open Siebel Tools  -- login to tools with your user name (ex. SKAMMAR and pwd is SKAMMAR)
                       Click Yes on below message.

Local Database DSN Connection Settings:

Select correct the sse_data.dbf file and enter the same dsn from tools when it asked.

This will extract the database for you.
  1. Once extract is completed, you need to get all the projects from tools from Tools menu à Check Out à Select All Projects and Click Get button.

That's all. You are all set for Configuration Development and Checkout and Checkin Objects from Siebel Tools.
It may ask to select Server Database DSN and Local Database DSN. When asked give proper connection DSNs to get the projects and chekin-checkouts.

Happy Configuring and Developing...

Stay tuned to more....
