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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Upgrade Siebel 7.8 to Siebel 8.1

Steps followed in Upgrade:

1.Install the Siebel 8.1 Enterprise using installable.
a.During Siebel Server Installation, we need to select External Oracle DB Connector. This will resolve the DSN connection issue.
b.Clone the Siebel 7.8 Database into new instance and use that DB Instance to new environment.
2.Install SWSE.
3.Configure DB/Update DB Parameters.
a. Set the following parameters as mentioned below.
4. SHARED_POOL_SIZE = 200 MB (Not sure how many bites)

 Please see the Oracle Document ID : 478028.1 for more information

c. Please do the following. 

1. Drop temporary tables and non-Siebel tables -
2. Disable customized triggers. Need to Enable once the upgrade is completed.
3. Optional: Drop defined database views on Siebel tables. Need to re create them once the upgrade is completed.
4. Export interface table data that you want to preserve.
5. Drop Custom Indexes which are created directly in the database. I think we have few indexes created for some issues. We have to re-create after upgrade completed.
6. Drop Custom indexes on interface tables.

4. Delete all additional Siebel Repositories and just keep only one Siebel Repository.

5. Run DBStats on the database.

6. Run Repository Upgrade (upgrep and upgphys ) process and Select Development Mode for Development environment and Select Production mode for pre-production and production environment.
(Steps 25 to 32 in UPG.pdf document)

7. Review the logs and take the backup of the database at this stage.
8. Run Repository Merge process. This step is only for Development mode only. This will take long time to complete the process.

(Steps 33 to 44 in UPG.pdf document)

9. Review the logs take the backup of the database at this stage.

10. Run Upgrade Custom Database schema process.

(Steps 45 to 50 in UPG.pdf document)

11. Review the User Interface (Steps 53 to 59)

12. Postmerge Development Tasks (Steps 60 to 62)

13. Postupgrade Tasks for Applications Configuration (Steps 69 to 75)

I will share more details when questions posted.



Thursday, February 10, 2011

Apply schema changes in Local DB

Most of the developers will get confused when there are changes in schema in the repository. Developers will get SQL error when they opened Web Client opened in thier local when there are schema changes in repository/DB.
Then we have to apply the schema changes in our local DB to resolve this issue.

NOTE: When applying changes, the Privileged User Id must be the tableowner name. For example, suppose your login Id is JSMITH and password is DB2. When you apply schema changes to the local database, your Privileged User Id/Password would be SIEBEL/DB2.

User name and password for Local DB skammar/skammar, then I have to use Siebel and skammar for apply the schema changes.

You will get more information from below Oracle Metalink.


Local Database Extract Process

Database Extract:

Generate New Database:

In case of any changes in Database schema or initial db extract, we need to do Gen New  DB.
  1. Go to Site Map à Administration - Server Management à Jobs
  2. Create New job for component “Generate New Database”
  3. After Success, follow the below steps for extracting.
Check the following System Preferences in application.
Sitemap-->Administration Application --> System Preferences
Docking:Transaction Logging - TRUE

Extract Database to user:
  1. Create an Employee with position Developer
  2. Add the Employee as Mobile User by following steps.
    1. Go to Sitemap à Administration – Siebel Remote à Mobile Clients
    2. Add the Employee as Mobile Client.(Mobile Client name and UserID is same)
    3. Select Routing Model as MOBILE CLIENT – STANDARD.
  3. Create a Job for Database Extract by following steps.
    1. Go to Sitemap à Administration – Server Management à Jobs
    2. Create a new Job for Component Database Extract.
    3. Add Job Parameters Client Name, Value is User ID.
                        For multiple users User Ids with comma separated.
    1. Start Job and wait for successful completion of the job.
  1. Change the parameters in Tools.cfg file.
DockConnString           =<Development Siebel Server Name>
  1. Open Siebel Tools  -- login to tools with your user name (ex. SKAMMAR and pwd is SKAMMAR)
                       Click Yes on below message.

Local Database DSN Connection Settings:

Select correct the sse_data.dbf file and enter the same dsn from tools when it asked.

This will extract the database for you.
  1. Once extract is completed, you need to get all the projects from tools from Tools menu à Check Out à Select All Projects and Click Get button.

That's all. You are all set for Configuration Development and Checkout and Checkin Objects from Siebel Tools.
It may ask to select Server Database DSN and Local Database DSN. When asked give proper connection DSNs to get the projects and chekin-checkouts.

Happy Configuring and Developing...

Stay tuned to more....


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Creating New Siebel Server Component in Siebel

To create a custom Siebel Server component definition in Siebel 7.8.2 Version.

Command Line

1.      Login into the Application server and navigate to the Drive where Siebel Server is installed (eg: e:\sea78\siebsrvr\bin)
2.      SRVRMGR /G “gateway servername” /e “enterprise servername” /u login /p password
3.      create component definition FINSObjMgrDB for component type AppObjMgr component group "Fins" run mode Interactive full name "FINS Object Manager (ENU) DB Authen" description "FINS Object Manager for DB Authentication"

Using GUI.

1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigation > Site Map > Administration – Server Configuration.

2.  From the link bar, click Enterprises.

3.  Click the Component Definitions view tab.

4.  In the Component Definitions list, click the menu button and then New Record.

5.  In the Name field, type in a name for the component.
The component name must:
Be unique across Siebel Enterprise Servers
Expressively identify the defined component
Not contain any numbers

6. In the Alias field, type in an alias for the component.
The component alias must:
Be unique across Siebel Enterprise Servers
Not contain any blanks
Contain no more than 30 characters

7. In the Component Type field, click the select button and choose the component type that you want to use as the template for this component.

8. In the Description field, type in a description of this component.

9. In the Component Group field, click the select button and choose the component group to which this component will belong.

NOTE: This selection cannot be modified after the record is saved.

10. Click the menu button and then Save Record.
The component definition state field changes to Creating.

11. In the Component Parameters list, make any desired changes to the component parameters that were created.

Change or verify the configuration parameters: (Some important parameters age given below).
Application Splashtext
 Siebel Financial Services
Application Title
Siebel Financial Services
Application Name
Siebel Financial Services
OM - Configuration File
OM - Data Source
Siebel Repository
Siebel Repository
Security Adapter Mode
Security Adapter Name
Actuate Server Connect String

Actuate Server Enable Flag
Actuate Server Report Cast Host
Actuate Report Cast Domain
Actuate Server Report Cast Language
Actuate Server Report Server Host

Compare Actuate Related Parameters to change the Actuate Server details.

For LDAP use:

Security Adapter Mode
Security Adapter Name

For Wireless Components:
Application Splashtext
Siebel Sales Wireless
Application Title
Siebel Sales Wireless
Application Name
Siebel Sales Wireless
OM - Configuration File
OM - Data Source
Siebel Repository
Siebel Repository

Bold items to be configured when we need them at server level. But we are using at component level. LDAP configuration will be available at component level. You can check for our FINS components in
1.      Site Map àServer Administration – Configuration àServers à Components
2.      Query for ‘Fins*’
3.      Search for ‘Sec*’ and see the values.
4.  Change the adapter values

12. Click the Enable button.

The component definition state field changes to Active.

13. Select the Component and click on Synchronize button to synchronize the component.

14. For the change to take effect.  Stop and restart the Siebel Server System Service.
·         Stop the IIS Administration Service.
·         Stop the Siebel Server.
·         Stop the Siebel Gateway.
·         Start the Siebel Gateway.
·         Start the Siebel Server.
·         Start the World Wide Web Publishing Service.

To use custom .srf name and use the same in .cfg file

Procedure to deploy a new .srf file to the server without shutting down the servers?.

Customer would like to deploy a new SRF using the zero downtime feature in Siebel version 7.8.

The “Application Repository File” parameter is no longer available in Siebel version 7.8. This has become a hidden parameter; however it is still available in the siebns.dat file.

In order to change the SRF file using the zero downtime feature in Siebel version 7.8, the “Application Repository File” parameter needs to be changed using the Server Manager command line Utility:

srvrmgr> reconfig compdef <compdef name>
Command completed successfully.

srvrmgr > change parameter CFGRepositoryFile=<new srf file name> for compdef <compdef name>
Command completed successfully.

srvrmgr > commit reconfig compdef <compdef name>
Command completed successfully.

Please also refer to the “Bookshelf v7.8: Reconfiguring Component Definition Commands” on the Siebel Supportweb.

The following Enhancement Change Request has been logged for this matter:

Change these based on the requirements.
Here is the Example:
  1. E:\sea78\siebsrvr\bin\> srvrmgr /g GatewaySrvr /e sblentprod /u sadmin /p sadmin /s appsrvprod
  2. srvrmgr>  reconfig compdef  FINSObjMgrPR_enu
  3. srvrmgr > change parameter CFGRepositoryFile=siebel_sia_new.srf for compdef FINSObjMgrPR_enu
  4. srvrmgr > commit reconfig compdef FINSObjMgrPR_enu

To create custom .cfg file for the created component.

Create the below .cfg file copying the other cfg file and update the srf file and its location in the file.

OM - Configuration File

Reference Technical Note 456:

1. Add the virtual directories in the SIEBEL_ROOT\SWEApp\BIN\ENU\eapps_sia.mtb file. For Wireless use eapps.mtb file.

Each virtual directory creation script executed by metabaseedit.exe contains a section similar to the one shown below in the eappscustom.mtb file. The bold entries will need to be replaced with the unique or custom directory names chosen. Use the IIS admin console to validate that the virtual directory names are not already in use (that is, they are unique).

To prevent a virtual directory from being created, delete the entire section as seen above. This will keep the metabaseedit.exe engine from generating appropriate entries into the IIS metabase.

It is recommended to search for and replace the entire string that is shown in bold to avoid spelling errors.

###    FINS   Database Virtual Directory
createkey      /w3svc/1/Root/finsdb_enu  IIsWebVirtualDir
set     /w3svc/1/Root/finsdb_enu  Path    SZ      E:\sea78\SWEApp\public\enu
# allow execute-only access
set     /w3svc/1/Root/finsdb_enu  AccessFlags   DW     517
set     /w3svc/1/Root/finsdb_enu  DefaultDoc     SZ      Default.htm,index.htm
###    CREATE         FINS   APP
createapp      /w3svc/1/Root/finsdb_enu  True
set     /w3svc/1/Root/finsdb_enu  AppFriendlyName      SZ      FINS DB Application
###    Set     Application     Extensions
set     /w3svc/1/Root/finsdb_enu  ScriptMaps     MZ      .swe,E:\sea78\SWEApp\bin\sweiis.dll,1          .swef,E:\sea78\SWEApp\bin\sweiis.dll,1     .asa,C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\asp.dll,1,PUT,DELETE          .asp,C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\asp.dll,1,PUT,DELETE          .cdx,C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\asp.dll,1,PUT,DELETE          .cer,C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\asp.dll,1,PUT,DELETE          .htr,C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\ism.dll,1        .idc,C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\httpodbc.dll,1          .shtm,C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\ssinc.dll,1   .shtml,C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\ssinc.dll,1          .stm,C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\ssinc.dll,1
set     /w3svc/1/Root/finsdb_enu  AppIsolated    DW     2

finsdb_enu is the new virtual directory name.

This we can copy the existing fins_enu content, paste it below the fins_enu and replace the with new name finsdb_enu. 

2. Generate new component virtual directory by using eapps_sia.mtb file.

To generate the custom virtual directories, open a Microsoft command window, navigate to the SIEBEL_ROOT\SWEApp\BIN\<lang> directory, and run the following command:

SIEBEL_ROOT\SWEApp\BIN\ENU\ Metabaseedit.exe eapps_sia.mtb 

4.      Add the Association in SIEBEL_ROOT\SWEApp\BIN\eapps.cfg file.

For each associated virtual directory in the eapps.cfg file, modify the heading to reflect a custom virtual directory name (as shown below in bold) that is unique.

Example:The eapps.cfg file associates the virtual directories with the appropriate object managers for each of the virtual directories. The virtual directory name chosen in Step 1 should match the section headings in the eapps.cfg file as shown below.

AnonUserName  =
AnonPassword  =
ConnectString = siebel.TCPIP.None.None://domain_name:2320/enterprise_name/eServiceObjMgr_enu/Siebel_server_name
StartCommand  = SWECmd=GotoView&SWEView=Home+Page+View+(eService)
WebPublicRootDir = c:\sea752\SWEApp\public\enu
WebUpdatePassword =

Use AnonUserName  = SADMIN and AnonPassword  = SADMIN  for new DB authentication  components. Use Encryption utility to encrypt the SADMIN password and use the same in eapps.cfg file.

It is not required if we are using LDAP authentication for the new component.

4. Stop and restart IIS web server and its dependent WWW and FTP services.
This is required to refresh the virtual directories used by IIS Web Server.

5. Test the Siebel Application.

STAY Tuned to this BLOG... Next Artile will be Creating New Siebel Component in Siebel Version with Solaris Web Server...

Srinivas Kammari