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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Upgrade Siebel 7.8 to Siebel 8.1

Steps followed in Upgrade:

1.Install the Siebel 8.1 Enterprise using installable.
a.During Siebel Server Installation, we need to select External Oracle DB Connector. This will resolve the DSN connection issue.
b.Clone the Siebel 7.8 Database into new instance and use that DB Instance to new environment.
2.Install SWSE.
3.Configure DB/Update DB Parameters.
a. Set the following parameters as mentioned below.
4. SHARED_POOL_SIZE = 200 MB (Not sure how many bites)

 Please see the Oracle Document ID : 478028.1 for more information

c. Please do the following. 

1. Drop temporary tables and non-Siebel tables -
2. Disable customized triggers. Need to Enable once the upgrade is completed.
3. Optional: Drop defined database views on Siebel tables. Need to re create them once the upgrade is completed.
4. Export interface table data that you want to preserve.
5. Drop Custom Indexes which are created directly in the database. I think we have few indexes created for some issues. We have to re-create after upgrade completed.
6. Drop Custom indexes on interface tables.

4. Delete all additional Siebel Repositories and just keep only one Siebel Repository.

5. Run DBStats on the database.

6. Run Repository Upgrade (upgrep and upgphys ) process and Select Development Mode for Development environment and Select Production mode for pre-production and production environment.
(Steps 25 to 32 in UPG.pdf document)

7. Review the logs and take the backup of the database at this stage.
8. Run Repository Merge process. This step is only for Development mode only. This will take long time to complete the process.

(Steps 33 to 44 in UPG.pdf document)

9. Review the logs take the backup of the database at this stage.

10. Run Upgrade Custom Database schema process.

(Steps 45 to 50 in UPG.pdf document)

11. Review the User Interface (Steps 53 to 59)

12. Postmerge Development Tasks (Steps 60 to 62)

13. Postupgrade Tasks for Applications Configuration (Steps 69 to 75)

I will share more details when questions posted.
